Welcome to another amazing month of onegameamonth.com game jam goodness. We just got our 9 thousand 9 hundredth game submission. Thank you so much! I wonder who will submit game ten thousand? Remember, #1GAM is about regular gamedev practise to grow your skills. You're allowed, no, supposed to join other game jams and crosspost them here. #1GAM does not require exclusivity! This month I personally recommend the LOWREZJAM which encourages you to make a game using only 64x64 pixel resolution. It's also time for another Ludum Dare, so be sure to vote for your favourite themes. This month's optional 250xp theme word achievement is: AGE. How does time pass for your main characters? Will your game take place in the iron age? In an age of wonder? You could write a story about an older person looking back, or a baby growing up. Simulate a growing tree or the passage of eons on a terrestrial scale. model a society or a bloodline, or make each level a different time in your character's life. This month, have a little extra fun accounting for the AGE of whatever kind of entities live in the worlds you create. Make something in your game change over time. Grow, flourish, wither. In life, as in games, nothing ever stays the same. With each month, your game development skills are getting stronger. Keep it up. Have fun, and thanks so much for tuning in the keynote each month! - McFunkypants